My Approach

A 360° Approach

While homeopathy is at the very centre of how I practice, I take a naturopathic approach to health. But what exactly does that mean?

A naturopathic approach recognizes that health depends on creating good conditions in all areas of our life including social, emotional, physical, environmental and nutritional. It honours the body’s wisdom, recognizing that our system is always working towards health or at least trying to, and that when we support it, the body’s innate self-healing power can kick in.

Symptoms, however uncomfortable, are the body’s attempt not just to heal itself and but also represent valuable information that can tell us what is needed. Although conventional medical and surgical approaches have their place, merely suppressing symptoms is akin to ‘shooting the messenger’. It is essential that we address the underlying issues for full and lasting health. We do this by utilizing the most natural, least invasive and least toxic therapies while also making changes to lifestyle, nutritional and environmental aspects where needed.

Therefore, I sometimes include or advise on therapeutic strategies, such as: herbs and supplements, nutrition/diet, mindfulness and meditation, exercise and sunlight.